Being the blog of Pete Hopkins. This pirate kills fascists.

Monday, October 9

Checking All Those Comments Feeds

ongoing • On Comments (II): "Antone Roundy, and others, point out the problems with per-entry comment feeds; namely, that various idiotic clients will poll each and every one regularly from now until the heat-death of the universe and there’s no way to stop them; given the volume at which I post, this would be untenable."

We’re starting to get into this with Blogger. The comment feeds are all there in the new in-beta version — both per-post and per-blog — but there’s no Atom-to-Atom linking going on.

Probably the best solution is one where the feed reader would fetch the per-blog feed, which it could do regularly, and then filter to show only the comments for posts that the user is interested in.

Tim pointed to the Atom Threading Extensions, which I’m planning to investigate.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Your word on comment feeds would be mostly appreciated. I ran into some of the issues you mentioned just tonight. I wrote an aggregator for all of my friends' blogs and it worked great. But the problem was that I left comments on their posts, and I wanted to see if they replied to my comments, so I kept on going back over and over to their posts page to see if there were any more comments. So I thought I could just aggregate comment feeds too. But I found that I had to pull the comment_id out of one of the other link urls and construct the comment feed url by myself. Then I had to download each feed for each post that I wanted comments for. Lucky for me, I only care about the latest ten or so posts from my friends. I suppose other aggregators might try and download many more comment feeds that than.
